June 30, 2011
Rabid Emoticon Texter Exposed!
Wow. Please. Stop. Texting. Me.
Are you serious with all the emoticons? After every single sentence? And did you just refer to going somewhere with me as "social bonding"? Do you think this person even knows that his penis is shrinking with every girly smiley face?
I have this fear when the lights go out he no longer has a human face, just a wide array of exaggerated yellow faces that end up making me cry because I am so terrified as I can't quite decipher which emotion he is trying to convey.
Stop texting me.
June 25, 2011
Austin Summer Guide
Welcome to the surface of the sun. I can't believe how hot it has gotten so quickly. Have no fear, I am here to help alleviate the delerium associated with this good ole' Texas heat. Here's some of my advice for these summer months and remember to hydrate with a shot of tequila and a Torchy's fried avocado taco. Have fun.
THIS...East 6th Street bars, NOT....West 6th Street bars.
Yeesh, I went last weekend to Molotov for a friend's birthday and I was disappointed with the meat selection. All the dudes looked alike! I realize this my personal opinion, but I like my dudes with a sharp tongue and a little dirt on them. Ladies, if you need to get some quick ass, I would hit West 6th St., the ratio is at least 10:1, great odds. Just keep your standards low.
Dudes..THIS...Natural odor, NOT....Cologne.
Yuck. Nothing says, "you can never stay over in my bed" like a mouthful of Drakkar Noir. I prefer the natural state of a man. Granted, I don't want B.O. so potent it makes me nauseous, but I love a little pheromone slipping up my nostril so I know what I'm up against.
THIS...Summer of no bra. NOT....Doubling up on the sports bras.
I am so fucking hot. This 100 degree heat calls for desperate measures. I guess I have to deal with weird stares from the guy at my corner store and my boss not being able to look me in the face, but that shit is worth it. Breathe! See if you can spot me on Town Lake as I am throwing in the towel on doubling up my sports bras. Bring a recorder, that is going to be some free Grade A porn.
THIS....Night swims. NOT....Day swims.
I am in love with midnight swimming. Nothing says summer lovin' like a midnight swim and a cold beer. If you don't have a pool, message me, I have a list of decent pools you could break into around the city.
I am kind of obsessed with Rose and Riesling wines right now. Now, I am no Sommelier but I like to think I know a little about wine. The biggest misconception is that these two varietals are sweet, which is not the case. I am not a fan of many sweet beverages, if any. A drink recipe tip: I love rose and raspberries together. Either drop a few in your glass of wine OR if you're feeling real fancy, follow this recipe:
1 cup of your favorite Rose
10 crushed raspberries
3 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs agave nectar
4 tbs St. Germain elderflower liqueur
Stir and strain in two wine glasses and add a few raspberries for a garnish. THEN, call me so we can have some fun.
THIS....Takoba!. NOT....Any other Mexican restaurant in town.
My favorite! I love their drinks, I love their food and I love their patio. I am a fan of any Mexican food where it doesn't look like slop on a plate and you don't leave feeling like you ate an elephant. The food here is fresh and tasty (they make homemade tortilla chips, love that), AND, it is in walking distance to East 6th Street bars. Done.
THIS.... Any footwear possible. NOT....The above atrocity.
I really can't stand platform flip flops. They're lazy woman shoes. Nothing says, "I want comfort but it's time to get my Saturday night on" like 4 inch foam flops with rhinestones glued to them. Put on them heels or just stay home.
Ok, so I'm not being completely honest, I still love a Frosty from Wendy's every now and again, however, I am in love with the Cake Shake at Holy Cacao (1311 South First in the South Austin Trailer Park & Eatery). Excuse me? You are going to grind up pieces of cake with ice cream? Yes, please. Also, I love that they give you fat kid, big straws with your shake so you may suck maximum gulps each try. YES.
New York!
It's about fucking time! I am so happy for all my LGBT friends in the big city and everywhere else. This news made my night last night which is perhaps why I have only brief visions of being on top of a kitchen table in my red boots, and why I am trying to nurse a tequila hangover.
Equality. I am hopeful again.
Equality. I am hopeful again.
June 21, 2011
Name: Stan A Rose
Occupation: Yellow Jacket Social Club
Single: No
What is your deal breaker?
Excessive cat keeping, anything high-waisted (with the exception of A-lines), smoking in abundance, weird tans, religious zealotry, excessive make up, uber hipsters, having no idea.
What is your deal maker?
A constitution so paradoxical, it makes for insta-boner, i.e. vegan/hunters, tattooed montessori teachers, etc... Folks that see things for what they are, keep their eye on the ball (even when they strike out), and freckles. Education, readers, finding beauty in the mundane, garter belts, thigh high hosiery, and a general propensity for wagging the middle finger towards established dictum.
Where do you like to hangout?
Yellow Jacket, Liberty, my couch, skate park, alley ways, and mine fields.
I love old music videos, it's a shame they aren't what they used to be. Which old music video would you say speaks to you and why?
The Fix "One thing leads to another", who wouldn't want to be in a psychedelic drain pipe with dobermans?
Huey Lewis and the news "I want a new drug" I watched it the other day, and it's so shitty it's amazing! That suit and the helicopter alone, would make it amazing.
Who do you feel most akin to? Usher? Bruce Springstein? Lyle Lovett? Freddy Fender? Charo? Someone else?
John Wayne; watch "Repo Man", for a detailed explanation.
Anything else we should know about you?
I fucking hate baby corn and bag pipes. Brother to the coyote.
Stan is co-owner of the Yellow Jacket Social Club located at 1704 E. 5th Street. If you want to check out the hearty man meat above head on over for some great food, good booze and a kickass patio. The YJ is open daily from 11 am - 2 am. Check out their menu here:
Name: Kristen Klas
Occupation: Paper pusher for The Art Institute
Single? Nope
Age: 32
What is your deal breaker?
Guys who constantly have to be the center of attention. It is sad and pathetic. I especially hate the guys who have a shtick with their clothing/accessories. Your corn cob pipe makes you look stupid.
What is your deal maker?
If you have a good laugh, I will follow you anywhere.
What do you love most about
I haven’t been here that long, but I love the seemingly endless possibilities for fun.
Where do you like to hangout? (so Miss Austin fans can stalk you)
I think it’s left over from my youth, but I love a good house party. Otherwise, give me a great jukebox (at the right volume), cheap drinks, and bartenders who like what they are doing and I will be a happy lady.
I love old music videos, it’s a shame they aren’t what they used to be. Which old music video would you say speaks to you the most and why?
It has to be ZZ Top’s Legs video. It’s got everything you need - the hot car, the hot ladies and some great “villains”. The nerdy girl with big glasses gets a hot makeover, grabs her hero and goes off in the sunset in a dune buggy. I wanted to be her so bad. Plus, I had big glasses and some long legs. The song was meant for me!
Who do you feel most akin to: Usher? Bruce Springstein? Lyle Lovett? Freddy Fender? Charo? Someone else? Why?
I am going with a fictitious character, Sweet Dee from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia . She holds her own.
Anything else we should know about you?
Back Ass Thigh
I feel like I am very honest on Miss Austin, we're all friends here right? Dudes, I am going to let you in on a little lady secret. All women are liars. We all lie through our fucking teeth to get what we want, or to hide secrets we will end up taking to our grave. Trust me, it's better this way, you don't need to know everything I'm doing, you might stab someone or me. Now, the biggest lie of them all is the deception of what a woman's body really looks like. Some broads surprise me by the lengths they are willing to go through to be perceived a certain way. Well, I am guilty as well. Hot tamales are supposed to be curvy and lovely and I'm just trying to keep up with The Lopez's. I think it is only fair for all you to know that my ass isn't really my ass at all. I think I have been doing a pretty good job keeping this up. Not one dude has noticed that my back is my ass is my thigh, it just kind of melts together. I am pretty fucking tricky when I have to get undressed. When the lights go out and I have to climb out of my ass lifter undergarments, shit gets real creative.
So far dudes have been none the wiser to my game and I plan on keeping it that way. You see the key is to create a diversion with the areola's (see previous post) because once I whip out my tit, dudes are frozen. I can pick his wallet, peel off these things, shove them in my purse and make a stout cocktail, no problem. Wait, now that I am thinking about it, maybe I should bust these out in some weird night moves scene. I put on Juice Newton's "Queen of Hearts" and just bend over gingerly to let him see the light. Dudes love the light.
Ladies, you with me? Please tell me I'm right. Dudes, don't think about it too hard, just don't trust vaginas.
So far dudes have been none the wiser to my game and I plan on keeping it that way. You see the key is to create a diversion with the areola's (see previous post) because once I whip out my tit, dudes are frozen. I can pick his wallet, peel off these things, shove them in my purse and make a stout cocktail, no problem. Wait, now that I am thinking about it, maybe I should bust these out in some weird night moves scene. I put on Juice Newton's "Queen of Hearts" and just bend over gingerly to let him see the light. Dudes love the light.
Ladies, you with me? Please tell me I'm right. Dudes, don't think about it too hard, just don't trust vaginas.
June 18, 2011
Do tits trump everything? I think so.
Titties make the world a better place. Who doesn't love them? I always say, when in doubt whip out a tit. Not only will you lift the spirits of others, but it feels pretty damn good to give that flesh some Vitamin D. And, you can pretty much get whatever you want when your areola makes an appearance. Once, I was feeling so lazy I showed a dude my right breast just to get a PB and J. It was worth every bite.
Dudes, don't insult the tit either, or hurt her feelings, that's a surefire way to have a sad, lonely penis. The worst nickname for breasts I have ever heard was "meat balloons." Sick. I can't even laugh at that.
Cheers to all the ATX titties out there, big and small. It's Saturday night, I might have to accidentally lose my top tonight.
Dudes, don't insult the tit either, or hurt her feelings, that's a surefire way to have a sad, lonely penis. The worst nickname for breasts I have ever heard was "meat balloons." Sick. I can't even laugh at that.
Cheers to all the ATX titties out there, big and small. It's Saturday night, I might have to accidentally lose my top tonight.
June 16, 2011
Ode to Dad's
Yay for Father's Day!
Thankfully, I don't have daddy issues. I have two great men in my life whom I adore. One being my father, chingao, and the other my older brother (a father of three) who will stab anyone who fucks with me. What I love most about good men like these two is that they take care of the ladies in their life and they aren't lazy. Lazy dudes are the worst. It never fails, whenever I go home to San Antonio my brother ends up washing my car, checking the air pressure and oil while my dad gives me the ever-so-present pep talk about "persistence, hard work, and loyalty, chingao." I love them.
These two clips are for them:
If you were to mention Freddy Fender around my dad, he will grab your arm and say "C'mon, get down, chingao" and start flapping his elbows dance floor or not. And, you better get down with him too, or there will be hell to pay. I have old memories of my dad at events drinking Chivas on the rocks and smoking Pall Mall's with his buddies, then getting down with my mom on the dance floor while my peanut head just stared at them adoringly. Chingao.
Here's to great men. Hug the great men in your life this weekend. I'm going to play the Texas Tornados on Sunday for my dad just so we can get down again.
Thankfully, I don't have daddy issues. I have two great men in my life whom I adore. One being my father, chingao, and the other my older brother (a father of three) who will stab anyone who fucks with me. What I love most about good men like these two is that they take care of the ladies in their life and they aren't lazy. Lazy dudes are the worst. It never fails, whenever I go home to San Antonio my brother ends up washing my car, checking the air pressure and oil while my dad gives me the ever-so-present pep talk about "persistence, hard work, and loyalty, chingao." I love them.
These two clips are for them:
When I was younger, I was dying for my brother to be my best friend. I probably annoyed the shit out of him because I was always in his face (he's five years older than I). This song reminds me of us back then because he introduced me to some great music. I just remember he and I carving Quiet Riot in his desk while listening to "Bang your Head" and my mom losing her shit.
If you were to mention Freddy Fender around my dad, he will grab your arm and say "C'mon, get down, chingao" and start flapping his elbows dance floor or not. And, you better get down with him too, or there will be hell to pay. I have old memories of my dad at events drinking Chivas on the rocks and smoking Pall Mall's with his buddies, then getting down with my mom on the dance floor while my peanut head just stared at them adoringly. Chingao.
Here's to great men. Hug the great men in your life this weekend. I'm going to play the Texas Tornados on Sunday for my dad just so we can get down again.
It's a sad day for pizza
What a shame. I've had some fun memories at The Parlor. Good friends, good food, and always great music. Tonight they are having their closing party. Come have a beer, jam a slice in your mouth and have some Thursday night fun. Broken Gold, Fleshlights, Ghost Knife and Dead Space are playing. See YOU there.
The Parlor is located at 100 E. North Loop Blvd. C'mon.
June 15, 2011
I can't teach these things, sorry ladies.
Call it a gift. Call it my calling. Call it whatever you want. I call it the best faculty a lady could possess. It's called my Dickdar. It's like I'm a superhero with a big penis painted on my chest. In any situation, I can envision what a man's penis looks like &/or characteristics of his penis simply by looking at him. I am not saying this keeps me away from the weird and scary man meat out there. Sometimes I might forget about his lumpy, spud dick after a few good jokes and his sweet southern drawl, I'm powerless to those things, but I try to keep it in the forefront at all times. Here's what I mean:
**Disclaimer: Don't think for a second these dudes got any action from this hot tamale.**
Call it a gift. Call it my calling. Call it whatever you want. I call it the best faculty a lady could possess. It's called my Dickdar. It's like I'm a superhero with a big penis painted on my chest. In any situation, I can envision what a man's penis looks like &/or characteristics of his penis simply by looking at him. I am not saying this keeps me away from the weird and scary man meat out there. Sometimes I might forget about his lumpy, spud dick after a few good jokes and his sweet southern drawl, I'm powerless to those things, but I try to keep it in the forefront at all times. Here's what I mean:
**Disclaimer: Don't think for a second these dudes got any action from this hot tamale.**
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Matchy pants. Somehow his penis coordinates with his outfits. He has the cleanest dick out there, no need for a condom. |
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Dorky dick. Predictable dick. Tries way too hard dick (in a bad way) when it has really no idea what it's doing. |
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Too sensitive Joe. Small, selfish penis. |
June 12, 2011
Yo soy Borracha
I might be losing my mind.
June 11, 2011
"We don't accept change"
You have got to be kidding me. Last night this bitch walked into The Grackle, ordered a beer, emptied out her coin purse and just stared at the bartender like "keep the change." I was sitting right next to her, without flinching I grabbed my phone and took a shameless photo of the crime scene. I tried to get a photo of her to no avail. Oh, why so shy? You have enough balls to insult the bartender with your sad savings but not enough pride to look at all the witnesses staring at you with curled lips? Good for the bartender who called that bitch out and said, "We don't accept change." Ha! And, no one is buying the "I'm poor" stance. No, you're just a lazy asshole. You mean you couldn't take your sack of coins down to the H.E.B. Coinstar before hitting the scene?
June 10, 2011
Kokopelli, call me!
I'm kind of digging this young dude/old man look. Usually when I see white tube socks, cargo shorts and black orthopedic shoes I would expect lazy dick, belly button cheese, a Lay-Z-Boy in the living room, and nothing but old burrito foil in his trash can. However, this dude has a equalizer that is pretty fucking awesome. He tattooed a fertility deity on his leg to suck the babes in. Genius! Suddenly, I make eye contact with the Kokopelli. Mesmerized. Now, I am in my panty whistles and 80's heels making Huevos Rancheros and homemade tortillas with a bottle of whiskey tucked in between my breasts. He peels off his tube socks, tosses that Lay-Z-Boy out the window, starts doing push-ups in the kitchen while I'm sitting on his back putting on my lipstick and massaging his back at the same time, all while paying the bills.
See how easy that happened? I'm weak.
June 9, 2011
Babe of the Week!
I love when I find a hot Latina tamale, warms me up inside. Here is our latest Babe, Roz, she's adorable and she's single. Watch out, dudes.
Name: Roz
Occupation: Events Coordinator. Yeahhh...I like to party.
Single: Yes.
Age: 23
What is your dealbreaker?
I don’t think I’m too picky when it comes to dudes...but it really gets under my skin when their fingernails are longer than mine, they don’t brush their teeth (no fellas, mouthwash does not count as a toothbrush substitute. I grew up with two older brothers, I know what’s up), and playing R&B (primarily in the bedroom) I respect the jams and all but that’s just not my style.
What is your dealmaker?
First things first, I love a great smile. Smiles are one of the first things I notice when I meet someone and it immediately draws me in. I also dig a guy that knows how to give and receive a genuine compliment (key word there is genuine). Oh and my girlfriends always tell me my theme song is “Bossy” by Kelis (ridiculous, I know, but I’ve learned to embrace it) so if you can put up with me bringing all the boys to the yard then you are pretty rad in my book.
What do you love most about Austin?
Asking me to narrow down my love for Austin to one particular thing is like asking me what do I love best about Rocky Road ice cream...ya know? The chocolate ice cream would be nothing without the marshmallows, nuts, and chocolate chips and vice versa. To sum it up, I love the chill and relaxed vibe I get from the city, obviously the music and art scene is definitely a BIG plus, the friends I’ve met here are some of the most loving people I know, oh and queso sure helps!
Where do you like to hangout? (so Miss Austin fans can stalk you)
Pretty much any waterhole during the day, that should be a given. On a chill night you can find me sipping vino and cooking up some deliciousness with the girls at my place. If I’m feeling a little frisky you can usually find me at some dive bar in town, the eassst side, but if in doubt, I’m most likely at Sidebar.
I love old music videos, it’s a shame they aren’t what they used to be. Which old music video would you say speaks to you the most and why?
Hands down, George Michael’s nineties hit, “Freedom.” Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Cindy Crawford, and a bunch of other gorgeous babes...need I say more?
Anything else we should know about you?
I am a lefty so puhhlease don’t sit on the same side of the booth as me, not just because I think same side sitters looks ridiculous, but if that’s the case we will most likely be bumping elbows all night.
Name: Roz
Occupation: Events Coordinator. Yeahhh...I like to party.
Single: Yes.
Age: 23
What is your dealbreaker?
I don’t think I’m too picky when it comes to dudes...but it really gets under my skin when their fingernails are longer than mine, they don’t brush their teeth (no fellas, mouthwash does not count as a toothbrush substitute. I grew up with two older brothers, I know what’s up), and playing R&B (primarily in the bedroom) I respect the jams and all but that’s just not my style.
What is your dealmaker?
First things first, I love a great smile. Smiles are one of the first things I notice when I meet someone and it immediately draws me in. I also dig a guy that knows how to give and receive a genuine compliment (key word there is genuine). Oh and my girlfriends always tell me my theme song is “Bossy” by Kelis (ridiculous, I know, but I’ve learned to embrace it) so if you can put up with me bringing all the boys to the yard then you are pretty rad in my book.
What do you love most about Austin?
Asking me to narrow down my love for Austin to one particular thing is like asking me what do I love best about Rocky Road ice cream...ya know? The chocolate ice cream would be nothing without the marshmallows, nuts, and chocolate chips and vice versa. To sum it up, I love the chill and relaxed vibe I get from the city, obviously the music and art scene is definitely a BIG plus, the friends I’ve met here are some of the most loving people I know, oh and queso sure helps!
Where do you like to hangout? (so Miss Austin fans can stalk you)
Pretty much any waterhole during the day, that should be a given. On a chill night you can find me sipping vino and cooking up some deliciousness with the girls at my place. If I’m feeling a little frisky you can usually find me at some dive bar in town, the eassst side, but if in doubt, I’m most likely at Sidebar.
I love old music videos, it’s a shame they aren’t what they used to be. Which old music video would you say speaks to you the most and why?
Hands down, George Michael’s nineties hit, “Freedom.” Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Cindy Crawford, and a bunch of other gorgeous babes...need I say more?
Anything else we should know about you?
I am a lefty so puhhlease don’t sit on the same side of the booth as me, not just because I think same side sitters looks ridiculous, but if that’s the case we will most likely be bumping elbows all night.
Hunk of the Week!
I'm a sucker for a dude with some quality man hair, I love it. Our Hunk this week takes pride in his, as he should. Florian not only looks good but he can make a gal a delicious drink. Yes and yes.
Single? Yes
Age: 25
Anything else we should know about you?
Name: Florian Minier
Occupation: Fancy Mustache Bartender at Haddington'sSingle? Yes
Age: 25
What is your dealbreaker?
Techno music. Mostly just techno music. But maybe veganism too.
What is your dealmaker?
Fernet Branca, Top Gun, and old heavy metal videos are the three most misunderstood and under appreciated things in the world. You should come over sometime and I'll explain them all to you in one awesome sitting.
What do you love most about Austin?
The babes.
Where do you like to hangout?
When not working at my own Fancy Mustache Bar, I like frequent the many other Fancy Mustache Bars this fine city has to offer. Exceptional mustaches can always be spotted at Peche, Bar Congress, and Eastside Showroom. Also, when I want to feel anonymous I go to the Horseshoe Lounge. Of course, I don't know why I would tell you that if that's where I go to be anonymous....
I love old music videos, it’s a shame they aren’t what they used to be. Which old music video would you say speaks to you the most and why?
Krokus "Screamin' in the Night". Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a post-apocalyptic world where I need to rescue my one true love from Dom DeLuise and then lightning strikes me and I have my awesome denim vest on again and then I'm in a diner with my bandmates and realize that it was all a dream--or was it?! Then I wake up for real and find that I was just sleep-walking again.
Check out my band, The Gulf of Michigan. We'll be playing a bunch the next couple months so keep a look out. Shows, info, and free tunes are all on our Facebook page (facebook.com/thegulfofmichigan) and our new album will be out late summer.
June 7, 2011
How do you know when your boss is being inappropriate?
Is that bad? I can never tell.
I would love to play myself in one of those sexual harrassment videos and reenact what just happened. I would kill it!
Want to beat the heat on Saturday? Local artist Jo Ann Santangelo has a show that just opened this past weekend at the B. Hollyman Gallery, Walking the Block: Christopher Street. She is having her artist gallery talk on Saturday, June 11 at 1:00 pm (the show runs through July 2). This sounds like a perfect Saturday afternoon to me, AC included. See you there.
June 5, 2011
4 Tacos
I heard a bitch scream outside The Grackle last night, "I don't care what you guys say, I'm having 4 tacos." Her emphatic FOUR resonated in my big head for the rest of the night. I don't know why, but that sent my imagination into a tailspin of gross, dirty thoughts. I hate that that was the last thing I remember hearing because I feel like her disgusting ass somehow crept in my REM.
Soft bodies are not cute or sexy. You know how you get soft bodies, ladies? By eating 4 tacos. I'm not advocating not eating tacos for God's sake, that's blasphemy. I'm saying if you're eating habits consist of eating like a trucker then you need to throw away your bike, toss your car in Town Lake, and rip up that bus pass because your ass needs to walk from here to San Antonio twice a day, chingao. And don't say stupid shit to me like, "But I had them on corn tortillas." Bitch, please. Soft is soft.
Soft bodies always remind me of Play-Doh. I envision when you're getting all sexual with a soft-body girl, you would hit the lights and see all your finger and hand indention's all over her body. Just me?
4 tacos = Play-Doh.
I heard a bitch scream outside The Grackle last night, "I don't care what you guys say, I'm having 4 tacos." Her emphatic FOUR resonated in my big head for the rest of the night. I don't know why, but that sent my imagination into a tailspin of gross, dirty thoughts. I hate that that was the last thing I remember hearing because I feel like her disgusting ass somehow crept in my REM.
Soft bodies are not cute or sexy. You know how you get soft bodies, ladies? By eating 4 tacos. I'm not advocating not eating tacos for God's sake, that's blasphemy. I'm saying if you're eating habits consist of eating like a trucker then you need to throw away your bike, toss your car in Town Lake, and rip up that bus pass because your ass needs to walk from here to San Antonio twice a day, chingao. And don't say stupid shit to me like, "But I had them on corn tortillas." Bitch, please. Soft is soft.
Soft bodies always remind me of Play-Doh. I envision when you're getting all sexual with a soft-body girl, you would hit the lights and see all your finger and hand indention's all over her body. Just me?
4 tacos = Play-Doh.
June 4, 2011
Hey, it's Saturday night!
Don't judge me. Sometimes a lady needs to let her hair down, run to the local City Market and splurge on a Saturday afternoon pool beverage. A couple 4-packs of Bartles & Jaymes Fuzzy Navel and Pina Colada drinks will definitely keep that dehydration at bay. You better believe I bought one of each (I gave my dog a sip of the fuzzy navel and she threw up in my car. I think she's on to something).
If you see me tonight and hear a loud clanking of bottles in my purse, be discreet, then meet me in the bathroom.
June 3, 2011
Do people still do cocaine?
I believe it now. I am officially old. Not only do I need earplugs at shows to ensure not having a constant ringing in my ears the next day at work, but I am not getting offered drugs nearly as much anymore. Not that I do drugs really, but I'd like some manners in the ladies' room. I was at a bar downtown when some trixie walked in, opened her little purse and started chopping up something like some Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia shit. I know this isn't exactly shocking, I've seen some weird stuff in bathrooms before (I once was at Jackalope downtown when Ron Jeremy was hanging out there. I saw him go to the restroom with two local ladies. I followed. I was in the next stall when no lie, I heard him say, "If you show me yours, I'll show you mine." Kind of gross, I know, but entertaining as well. I was just waiting for an old, purple snake to plop on the floor next to my foot. It didn't and I didn't see anything except the birth of a new hybrid strain of Austin/LA/filthy bathroom herpes).
Anyway, this girl is getting her Saturday night on and I'm just trying to not touch anything in sight (another sign of approaching AARP membership). I am flushing with my foot and using my elbow to get a paper towel when I hear her meekly ask me if I want some. Shit, I'm still in! I politely decline. We start chatting a bit when I look up at her and her nose just starts dripping with blood. Girl! A sure sign you might have a problem is when you've dripped blood on yourself and on the bathroom floor (this also reaffirms my OCD in public restrooms) all the while not having a clue what is happening. Her spaced-out, blank stare with blood drops on her cute little dress gave me the giggles. Pobrecita.
You know, do what you want, jam as much rat poison up your dying nose and stay up for days and days. Do it. Have fun. Just know, you're not fooling anyone. We know you don't have a cold or allergies or insomnia. Own your shit. Be an honest addict at least, otherwise, we can just follow the drops of blood around Austin to find you.
June 2, 2011
Mom Knows Best, Dad Knows Chingao
Chingao (ChEEn-GOW): Fucked up. Fucked. Damn it. Used as an exclamation of suprise, lament, or as a basic gap filler.
Some of the best advice and one-liners I have had the pleasure of hearing, have come solely from my parents. Throughout my life, my parents cultural differences with The Gringo's have made me laugh with their take on everything from realtionships to grocery shopping. First off, my dad is hands down the funniest person I know (obviously where I get my funnies). Picture a cute, manly Mexican man with a thick mustache and equally thick accent. The pronunciation of certain English words that have a "CH" he pronounces with a "SH." For example, church is pronounced shurch, Chuck Norris is Shuck Norris, and so on. He is great because he is the type of person who says what's on his mind without a filter. I love that. The kicker is as soon as I say what's on my mind, he shushes me and tells me to "Watsh your mouth, you're a lady, chingao." He likes to use the word "chingao" as a punctuation on each and every sentence. I am 33 years old and that shit never gets old, I giggle every time.
"Dad, would you like some lemons with your iced tea?"
"Pues, how old are you? Jou know I always use the lemons, chingao."
"Dad, who is in that movie, Rio Bravo, you like so much?"
"C'mon. If jou don't know John Wayne by now, jou aren't my daughter, chingao."
"I love you, Dad."
"Yeah, yeah. I love you too, chingao."
Really, it's the cutest thing. He knows how to mix honest, loving emotion with inoffensive vulgarity in the most humorous way. My mom is not that far off from my dad. She refers to me as "Tight Skirt Fern." Guess she's not much of a fan of my mini skirts. Her advice is more practical as she is always concerned with me looking like a lady. She always told me, "Real ladies wear panty whistles, always, even when it's 100 degrees" (I love that term panty whistles) and "Your panty whistles control everything, mija, use them."
"Tight Skirt Fern, I don't want jou chasing boys. They're supposed to chase jou. Remember that."
Great advice.
"When you're out past 2:00 am jou look like la streetwalker. What are you doing after 2:00 am anyway?"
No comment.
"Be chure you learn how to cook well. Men are estupido in the kitchen. And make shure jou cook in your panty whistles too, jou're a lady."
She also gave me a tutorial on making homemade tortillas because "If you don't make them, he'll get them from somewhere else."
Woah, heavy.
Then she'll turn into a hardass and say something like, "If he lies to you, make him sleep outside" and then she makes a motion like she's using her rolling pin to smash his huevos.
This past year she put a rolling pin in my stocking for Christmas. She's serious. Then my dad nodded at me and said matter-of-factly, "She's right, chingao."
June 1, 2011
Chaos in Tejas!
Chaos in Tejas is here! What are you doing this weekend? Put on your fancy shoes and head to the Red 7 tomorrow night for The Spits, The Arrivals, Shellshag, TV Ghost, High Tension Wires, OBN IIIs! Do it! I will have my camera strapped on looking for Miss Austin talent. Bring the loud and the pretty. C'mon.
Also, one of my favorites, The Marked Men, are playing Friday night at the Red 7. If you don't like to drink, listen to great music, or have fun then you should stay home on Friday. No! Come hang with me and soak up the fun. Playing with The Marked Men are F.Y.P. This is My Fist, The Shitty Limits, Chinese Telephones and Secret Prostitutes & Textbook.
Chaos in Tejas is happening all throughout Austin, check out more info here: http://www.chaosintejas.com/
Get your tickets at: transmissionaustin.frontga
I will see YOU there.
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