January 23, 2013

Hi, My Name is Jodie Holland, and I'm an ENFJ

Want to get personal? Let's do it. First of all, Jodie Holland is not my real name but it sounds like a good name, huh? I bet she's a pretty cool lady. Anyway, one of my good lady pals sent me the Myers-Briggs test to take yesterday. Turns out, I'm an ENFJ personality - Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging. Myers-Briggs is designed to help individuals identify how they are perceived, and possibly help to understand their decision making process, personally and professionally. I was skeptical as I've taken many of these personality tests before, most are way off. I will say, I read this profile of an ENFJ, and it is spot-on. If you are looking to stalk Holland then you should read this to understand how she operates. If you don't give a shit, I don't blame you, but you should take the test yourself and get weird, possibly depressed, at seeing yourself in a mirror. I'm happy to be a ENFJ, and I've accepted it. The feeling I am having now is to eat some tacos, and my intuition is telling me to get The Democrat at Torchy's. I might get two of them, no judgement, please. Man, this test is crazy. Try it!

Ok, so I cheated on the test. I asked my office to answer some of the questions and ENFJ was the result of about, 5 people's personalities. It was also right before lunch at Torchy's, so back off!

On a completely unrelated note, do you remember Showbiz Pizza?

I might have just dated myself.

It's rare that Mexicans love pizza more than Gorditas and manteca (lard), but I remember La Raza in San Antonio loving the shit out of Showbiz; my family was one of them. This was before the morbid obesity problem caused by that annoying rat, Chuck E Cheese, and really, Mexicans just being Mexicans. It's cool, things are looking up. I hear San Antonio is looking to put a ban on flour tortillas and automobiles. That'll help.

My birthday is coming up, friends. Can we make this happen? I need the Rockafire Explosion to sing me a sensual rendition of Happy Birthday while I stuff my pie hole with cheep pizza. It'll be my 25 birthday, after all. Let's do this. I will also need to reenact this special photo moment.

Creepy as fuck.

I need my pal, Lauren, to help decipher this post. If I'm not an ENFJ, then what am I? I would say by the looks of this scattered post, I am a EL SOS:

Loud with
Salsa On my Shirt

This is true.


  1. ENFP, chick. Just like me.

  2. I'm taking this test. I woke up super early and stressed about how I could possibly be a horrible person.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that's the bear head they used in the Electric Feel video. Just me?

    1. Mandy, take it!
      Is this the video?

      Rockafire Explosion band rules.
