November 20, 2012

Babe of the Week!

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for hot tamales. Meet, Cecilia Mireles, this week's hot tamale Babe of the Week! Cecilia warms my little brown heart with her sassy Latina look. You all know how I love me a foxy Latina, especially one with bitchin' style, and a smartypants mouth. Dudes, come on, give this lady a kiss on her dainty brown hand because she is our Babe of the Week!

Name:  Ceci Mireles
Occupation:  Preschool Assistant Director/Teacher
Single?  Yep
Age:  Thirtysomething

What is your deal breaker?
Holy smokes, where to even begin?! I'll spare you and give you the abridged list;
Music snobs, whiners and complainers, flakes, pushovers, drunks, sour grapes, know-it-alls, incessant ramblers, too-cool-for-school attitudes, cheapskates, and nose pickers.
What is your deal maker?
Sweet, soulful, southern boys who mind their manners and their mommas. Motorcycles don't hurt either.
What do you love most about Austin?
That the majority of my nearest and dearest live here!
What was the first record, tape, or CD you purchased with your own money?
I didn't purchase it but the very first tape I remember having in my possession was 2 Live Crew's As Nasty As They Wanna Be. I had no idea who they were but I had just transferred from a very conservative Catholic school to public school and everyone was obsessed. A kid in my class somehow got his paws on a copy and each of my classmates took turns taking it home to have a listen. When it was my turn, my snoop of a mom found it in my backpack before i even played it and pretty much grounded me for life.
Where do you like to hangout? (So Miss Austin fans can stalk you)
I'll take spending quality time at home with family and good friends over most anything. Occasionally, however, I can be found thrifting, buying books I don't need at Half Price, and visiting my foxy gal friends at Cheer Up Charlie's.

You are not someone who gets lost in a crowd. How do you describe your style? Any favorite pieces you own?
Aw nuts! Thanks for that! I'd say it's a cross between coquettish fairy tale princess and wannabe biker mama. Wouldn't you? I can't live without a good pair of leather boots, a Henley I stole out of my granddad's closet, and my evil eye and crystal pyramid rings from Las Cruxes. For super special occasions, my go-to gems are custom-made dusters and dresses from the lovely gals at Laced With Romance.
Do you have any tips in regards to dating for the single ladies and dudes out there?
I'm probably the last person in the world to give any tips on dating. In fact, I'd gladly welcome some! ;) Jokes aside, I think it's important to be as open and honest as possible to avoid misunderstandings.
Anything else we should know about you? Any projects in the works? Fetishes? Arrest record? Bastard children?
Squeaky clean, jellybean. :-p

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