September 6, 2011

Hunk of the Week!

I've said this before, I'm a sucker for strong hands and quality man hair. Our Hunk, Drew, takes pride in his man hair and I applaud him for it. Ladies, if you care to stalk Drew or throw your panties at him, you can usually find him at Clive Bar, that's where I found him. Check it:

Name: Drew Mersinger     
Occupation: Designer / Barkeeper
Single:    Yes      
Age: 28

What is your dealbreaker?
I'm pretty open to most things, even the occasional flatulence is ok in my book. But there are two main things I just can't deal with: Not being able to look me in the eyes, and, the inability to hold a decent conversation. If you talk to me at least give me the decency to look me straight in the eyes. And, if I have to hear another sentence on who won last night's round on American Idol again, I will fucking shoot myself.  

What is your dealmaker?
Its actually pretty simple ladies. If you look me in the eyes and for a brief moment I see the sweet curling of your lips, I’m done, I’m yours, you don’t need to say anything else because, in my mind, I'm jumping for joy.

What do you love most about Austin?
The great summer weather! No, it’s the people who make this city great.  I interact with so many people every night and I still find and learn something new.  To give you an example, I was just relaxing at the bar and who walks in but Dennis Quaid. He can actually tell a great story or two.  I’m always happy to see Austinites attitude towards things.

Where do you like to hangout?
Clive bar… one of my favorite spots in Austin for a drink and to just hang out.

I love old music videos, it’s a shame they aren’t what they used to be. Which old music video would you say speaks to you the most and why?
There are so many old music videos that are truly legen- wait for it- DARY, but the one that will always be on the top of my list would have the be Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.  It is actually one of those things in life you really can't explain why, but I will still just rock out to the video and even sometimes rock out with white spandex on.

Who do you feel most akin to: Bruce Springstein? Lyle Lovett? Freddy Fender? Charo? John Wayne? Someone else? Why? 
Out of all the people you listed I am going to have to go with John Wayne.  Not just because I’m a movie buff and John Wayne fanatic, but mainly because the man had and still has a great presence about him.  A presence that I hope to achieve myself one day and I know that's going to be damn near impossible, but HEY a girl can dream.

Anything else we should know about you?  Fetishes? Arrest record? Bastard children?
I consider myself a nice guy.  Well, according to the world nice guys finish last and I have to say that is absolutely correct.  Since I’m not going to change, it's up to you world to get off your fat ass and put a little effort into changing.

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