Name: Josh Row
Occupation: Artist/Designer
Single? Yes
Age: 34
What is your deal breaker?
Poop that doesn't smell bad. It can't be trusted!
What is your deal maker?
Frequent photos in Busted Magazine (Busted Beauties).
What do you love most about Austin?
The fact that you can be a total stumbling drunk idiot, laying face down in God knows what, and you are still a catch to someone laying in the same (basically everything).
Where do you like to hangout? (So Miss Austin fans can stalk you)
No-Comply skate shop.
I love old music videos, it's a shame they aren't what they used to be. Which old music video would you say speaks to you the most, and why?
I would have to say, "Night Moves" by Bob Seger. I like drive-in movies!
Who do you feel most akin to: Bruce Springstein? Groucho Marx? Lyle Lovett? Freddy Fender? Charo? John Wayne? Why?
Probably The BOSS! He strikes me as a hard worker.
Anything else we should know about you? Fetishes? Arrest record? Bastard children?
Fetishes: bangs and beautiful eyes. Arrest record: no comment. Bastard children: none that have hit me up yet.
You can check out some of Josh's work here:
That's my Friend! He's awesome!