May 14, 2011

Fitness Girls

I was just at the gym and I noticed a broad on the treadmill with her hair down, a regular bra on and full on make-up. Please help me to understand. First of all, I have DD breasts, therefore having to wear TWO sports bras when running just to ensure my tits won't be a hot mess when I am 40 and so I don't look like porn in motion, so I don't get that.

Secondly, am I alone here ladies, or does wearing full on make-up at the gym sound so dirty and gross?? I immediately think of adult onset acne. Can Paula not go anywhere without make-up on, even on a Saturday morning?  C'mon, you didn't just come from work or church.

Finally, put your hair back. Your hair is stuck to your body and when you swing your head back and forth you're just dripping all over the place. I know you aren't wiping down your trail of DNA through the gym. That grosses me out. I already wash my hands compulsively because I don't want to get AIDS or some shit in that germ pool. Stop caring what you look like at the gym, Paula.

1 comment:

  1. What I hate more is the onset of expensive fitness clothing worn in non-fitness's rampent here in Chicago. Especially since it says you are too lazy to pick out a non-spandex outfit.
