June 30, 2011

Rabid Emoticon Texter Exposed!

Wow. Please. Stop. Texting. Me.

Are you serious with all the emoticons? After every single sentence? And did you just refer to going somewhere with me as "social bonding"? Do you think this person even knows that his penis is shrinking with every girly smiley face?

I have this fear when the lights go out he no longer has a human face, just a wide array of exaggerated yellow faces that end up making me cry because I am so terrified as I can't quite decipher which emotion he is trying to convey. 

Stop texting me.



  1. Hmm, is your opinion universal. If so, now I know why I never get texts back...don't the emoticons represent flirting? If i add *GIGGLZ* *LOLZ* or *BURPZ* instead, would that be acceptable?

  2. It is not universal, only specific to forceful emoticon users like above. I am just going to start taking their phone away for giving flirty, reasonable emoticon users a bad name.
